Mindfulness & Relaxation

4 Items

Is your mind on automatic pilot?

by Anne McCann

Are you like a puppy darting from one activity to the next?   Are you tired of the constant commentary in your head? If so then why not try some Mindfulness? Mindfulness is taking control of your mind rather than allowing your mind to be in control of you.  Try this simple exercise for 2 […]


by Roisin Bradley

While a lot of attention is paid to what we eat and how much we eat, we tend to neglect how we eat.  Often grabbing something on the go, eating at our desks or while driving, we tend to approach eating as a task – to be completed quickly and efficiently rather than an experience […]

Mindful moments

by Roisin Bradley

It can be difficult to establish the practice of mindfulness as part of our daily routine, so begin by creating ‘mindful moments’: choose one mundane daily task, preferably something that you do several times a day like washing your hands/making a coffee /doing the dishes and commit to doing this single task mindfully for seven days. Each […]


by Roisin Bradley

A good way to stop all the doing is to shift into the “being” mode for just a moment. Try it now. Just watch this moment without trying to change it all. What is happening? What do you see? What do hear? What do you smell? What do you feel?