Are you like a puppy darting from one activity to the next?   Are you tired of the constant commentary in your head?
If so then why not try some Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is taking control of your mind rather than allowing your mind to be in control of you.  Try this simple exercise for 2 minutes.
Sit upright in a chair with your feet on the ground and your eyes open. Find an object or spot to look at throughout the task.
Concentrate on your breathing and notice where your intake of breath feels strongest in your body.Is it in your nostrils, in your chest or in your abdomen? Watch the rhythm of your breathing and if your mind starts to wander bring it gently back to the task of watching your breathing. Observe how your nostrils, chest and abdomen reacts to the breath leaving your body. Do this for just 2 minutes and even if your mind becomes filled with thoughts simply bring your concentration back to your breathing. When you do this you are being mindful.
By performing this exercise we are paying attention to the present moment. We can spend most of our time living ahead of ourselves or behind ourselves in time.
Being mindful captures the moment we are in without judgement, fear or worry.