CBT Self Help

5 Items

Is your mind on automatic pilot?

by Anne McCann

Are you like a puppy darting from one activity to the next?   Are you tired of the constant commentary in your head? If so then why not try some Mindfulness? Mindfulness is taking control of your mind rather than allowing your mind to be in control of you.  Try this simple exercise for 2 […]

New Years Resolutions? Resolve not to make them.

by Roisin Bradley

The start of a new year seems like the perfect time to take stock and make some changes – that’s why so many of us feel compelled to make New Year’s Resolutions. However, research shows that while we often get off to a flying start, by early February almost 50 per cent of people who […]

Real Men ask for help

by Anne McCann

Men’s International Health is just finished. Did you know? Men live on average 5 years less than women Twice as many men die of skin cancer as women 72% of men admit to binge drinking However its not just men’s physical health which gives cause for concern: Northern Ireland has the highest suicide rate in […]

Sleep Problems

by Roisin Bradley

 There are many factors which contribute to poor sleep: doing too much; stress/anxiety; relationship difficulties; depression; poor diet; alcohol/substance misuse; lack of exercise and worry about lack of sleep. We can break the cycle of disturbed sleep by making some changes to our sleeping environment; to our behaviour and to our thinking.  Change your sleeping environment: […]

CBT Self Help: Anxiety

by Roisin Bradley

Fear and anxiety are normal emotions that all of us feel sometimes.  Difficulties arise when we get stuck in a cycle of anxious thinking and avoidance behaviour (we have anxious thoughts: ‘Something awful will happen’  and ‘I wont be able to cope’;  as a result we feel frightened; when we are frightened, the we tend to […]